Saturday, December 10, 2011

organizing your scrapbook

One of the biggest reasons many of us don’t touch our scrapbooks for months is that supplies and photos are scattered all over the place. Having to hunt for a book of stickers or a special pair of scissors takes all the fun out of creating a new page for your scrapbook. Here are few ideas how you can create a scrapbooking organization process.

Group your supplies by theme. Create one general supplies container that has all your essential tools and materials in it. Then sort your stickers, special papers and accessories by category. Depending on what scrapbooks you are working on, you could organize them by particular scrapbook (i.e. wedding scrapbook, child’s scrapbook etc.), or you could organize them by season (Christmas stuff, summer themed supplies etc.) or overall theme or color scheme. 

Get the pictures you are planning to use as well. I usually sort them into separate envelopes, or small boxes for each scrapbook I am working on. If you are organizing your supplies by scrapbook, it’s a good idea to keep your picture box for that scrapbook with the rest of your supplies.

I like to use clear plastic bins to store my scrapbooking supplies, so I can easily see what’s inside. Clear, descriptive labels on the outside of the box help as well. Store the boxes of supplies for scrapbooks you are currently working on close to the area where you like to scrapbook. This will keep you from running back and forth for supplies.

Store any supplies for books that you are not currently working on, or any extra supplies you may have purchased on sale, or for future projects in a dark, dry place. A closet in a spare room makes a great storage place. If you are considering storing your scrapbooking supplies in the basement or attic, make sure the area I like to use clear plastic bins to store my scrapbooking supplies, so I can easily see what’s inside. Clear, descriptive labels on the outside of the box help as well. Store the boxes of supplies for scrapbooks you are currently working on close to the area where you like to scrapbook. This will keep you from running back and forth for supplies.

Store any supplies for books that you are not currently working on, or any extra supplies you may have purchased on sale, or for future projects in a dark, dry place. A closet in a spare room makes a great storage place. If you are considering storing your scrapbooking supplies in the basement or attic, make sure the area is not damp and doesn’t get too hot or cold. You don’t want to unpack your supplies in a few months and find out that everything has been ruined by mold, bleached from being exposed to light, or warped from heat.

Take a little time to set-up a scrapbooking organization process with your scrapbooking supplies. You’ll find you will enjoy scrapbooking even more when everything you need is right at your fingertips. Go out and get some boxes or plastic bins to store your supplies and start organizing your supplies this week.
Vera Raposo has been scrapbooking since her oldest child was 5. With tons of scrapbooking tips and ideas, Vera is now sharing some of her best scrapbooking ideas on her radio 

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