Saturday, March 22, 2014

Adobe Illustrator tutorial

Import your sketch into a new Illustrator document, and set the opacity to 30%. Place a guideline in the middle of your artboard and align your image so that its centre is on the guideline. This guideline will be the pivotal element of your whole illustration. Use the Pen tool to trace the upper part of the banner on the right-hand side. 2 Hold down Shift + Alt/Opt and drag the line to copy it. This will be the bottom line of the banner. Select the endpoints and join them (Cmd/Ctrl + J). Close the two ‘open’ sides of the banner by drawing two shapes over it. Make sure nothing sticks out of the banner. Select all (Cmd/Ctrl + A) and go Window > Pathfinder > Divide, then ungroup. (3)The banner is now composed of three parts: top, middle and bottom. Select the pieces that belong to the bottom part and choose Add to Shape in Pathfinder. Click Expand. Repeat for the two other parts. Select all and click on the Reflect tool then, while holding Alt/Opt, click on the guide in the middle. Choose Vertical > Copy. to be continued

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