Friday, December 2, 2011

How to Make Bookmarks with Word Processing Software

You can use your trusty word processor and clip art, or create a cut and paste collage of favorite clips and craft embellishments (perhaps from scrapbook leftovers) on a nice piece of card stock.

WORD PROCESSOR METHOD: Create a landscape page (wider rather than longer for the larger dimension) then create a table with 4 equally sized columns to fill up the page - each column will become one bookmark. Next, add interesting borders around the cells and any background color you wish.

Insert clip art images or pictures from your computer, digital camera or graphics collections into the columns.Size the graphics to fit within the table columns or use a text box or frame to crop out what you don't want to print. Alternatively, you can edit your art or photo in a graphics program to make it the exact size you need.

Using the same technique (using a frame or text box) add words that will print on top the pictures or add boxes of text with white or colored backgrounds that print on the graphics or around them. For example, make the graphic you add to each bookmark smaller, so it's a decoration at the top, middle or bottom of the bookmark, then add a bit of poetry or a special quote to the rest of the table column blank space areas.

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