Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby Scrapbooking Ideas for you free

You can have your baby shower pictures in your little one’s scrapbook; this will start you into the habit of scrapbooking before the baby is born. 

When the little baby arrive, besides feeling so happy, you will have a rush of ideas for your scrapbook. 

 these “idea over-loads” can turn the ideas into mush and you cannot separate them. 

Here are some simple keywords and ideas that might help you  

Baby Shower 

• Your invitation • Guests • Presents • Cards • Cake 


• Visitors • Nurse/ Doctor 

The “Firsts” • Day home • Holidays • Christmas • New Years • Easter • Crawling • Walking • Hair cut • Bath • Using the pacifier • Birthday • Professional photo Close-Ups 

• Hand • Foot • Cheeks • Face • Lips • Ears 

Take a picture each month and keep list of events for that month until he or she is one year old. 

Items to decorate that are baby related 

• Punches • Stickers • Charms • Ribbons • Punch-outs • Quotes • Angel • Joy • Happiness • Journaling 

You might also want to take pictures of his or her different looks. Some of these looks are when he or she is smiling, laughing or when he or she is tired or just had woken up. 

You can also take pictures when they are sleeping just because they look so cute when they do! 

You might also want to make a family tree which includes pictures and notes from each member. 

You want this scrapbook to show the emotions you felt while creating it. 

You want this scrapbook to be able to put a smile on your face when you look back at it. 

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